The 4 powerful elements of marketing success

Several things determine success, not least your marketing. The problem with marketing, though, is that if you are not properly prepared, if you don’t have all your ‘ducks in a row,’ you can throw good money after bad. So, to ensure this doesn’t happen, I have highlighted four powerful elements of marketing success.

An avatar

No, I’m not referring to that movie featuring blue creatures from a faraway planet.

I’m talking about a visual image of your ideal customer. An avatar is actually the next step up from your target market definition—a detailed picture of what your ideal client looks like.

By creating an avatar, your ideal client becomes real, not just a faceless statistic. You also get a better understanding of who is important to your business and who is not. It’s a valuable reference to refer back to when determining which promotional activities (building a website, launching an Adwords campaign, etc.) to undertake.

What problems do your ideal clients have? How do these problems make them feel? To add to the realism, give your avatar a name.

Here are some things to include:

  • Age
  • income
  • occupation
  • stage in life
  • interests.

To learn more about avatars, read my previous post Understanding your ideal client drives sales.


A good strapline ignites interest in your ideal customers and explains how you can help them. Keep it brief; ideally, a strapline shouldn’t be any longer than five words. For example, my strapline is Bringing ideal clients to you.

You have probably heard of an elevator pitch—a short explanation of what you do and how you add value.

Well, your strapline is the same. People should understand within seconds what your business is all about by reading it.

Click here to learn more about straplines.


As the saying goes, “a picture paints a thousand words.” And that is exactly what your logo should do for your business. Combined with your strapline, it is a pictorial representation that helps tell the story of your business. To see a fabulous example, click here.

For high-profile companies, their logo is an asset, part of their balance sheet. A logo can also be a burden if not well designed.

So, in this age of ‘doing it cheap’ online, I urge you not to scrimp on your logo. Get a professional who understands your business to design one for you.

To read more about logos, read my post What makes a good logo?

Key messages

Key messages expand on your strapline. They are your promotional messages to attract new clients. At Signpost Consulting, for example, one of our sales messages is, You’ve got a great product or service, and now you need more great customers.

Your key messages should include pain, a course of action and a call to action. Read more about sales messages here.


So, there you have it: the four powerful elements of marketing success. By having these in place, you can make the absolute most of your marketing budget – be like the mother duck and get all those ducklings lined up behind you.


If you would like help to develop these elements, check out our Strategic Marketing Plan or please get in touch.




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